Personal Wireless Routers - Policy

This article shares the university's position on personal wireless routers. Personal wireless routers (sometimes called "rogue access points") have a significant and negative impact on the UA's wireless environment.

Effect on the Network

Personal wireless routers cause the university’s wireless networks to deteriorate, potentially making them unusable. This applies to all university-provided networks including UAWiFi, UAGuest, and Eduroam. WiFi uses a radio frequency that is open for everyone to use. As a consequence, large scale WiFi networks, such as the ones deployed on the UA campus, require careful coordination and cooperation to operate.  All wireless access points or routers in UA buildings need to be coordinated so that they do not occupy the same channel. When a rogue access point is used, this carefully designed system is compromised. 

Hard Wired Connections as an Alternative

The university wants all users to be able to connect all the devices they need while on campus. In some situations, this means using a hard-wired network connection rather than WiFi. By refraining from using personal wireless routers, you help keep the university WiFi network operating well.

Getting Support

If you have a situation that you believe requires a personal access point, please contact the 24/7 IT Support Center.